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So far Experian PS has created 490 blog entries.

What telecoms have to gain by protecting their customers

By | September 18th, 2018|Telecommunications|

3.7 billion people. That’s the number of individuals around the world who were using a mobile device in early 2018, according to a leading statistics company Statista. That’s around half of the entire population of the planet. In addition, the firm reports that the amount of global mobile data traffic is expected to increase sevenfold between [...]

The inescapable link between telecommunications and identity protection

By | September 18th, 2018|Telecommunications|

Digital devices are thoroughly entwined in our way of life, leading some to argue that they have become an extension of ourselves. According to Flurry Analytics, the average American spent five hours on their mobile device per day in 2017, an increase of 69% from 2016. That equates to 24 hours a day for 76 days a year. [...]

Five data security issues keeping your customers up at night

By | September 18th, 2018|Customer Loyalty, Loyalty|

2018 has been a wild ride for digital users on the data security front. According to data from The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), 1,579 data breaches exposed approximately 179 million consumer data records in 2017. More alarmingly, those figures were up 44% and 389%, respectively, from 2016. Meanwhile, a 2017 Consumer Fraud Protections Survey from AYTM, an independence research [...]

How to build a loyalty boomerang to keep customers coming back

By | September 18th, 2018|Customer Loyalty, Loyalty|

According to Bain & Co., it costs seven times more money to attract new customers than it does to keep existing customers. If you retain just five percent of your customers annually, you can generate up to 125 percent more profits. More and more, companies are adopting programmatic ways to garner repeat customers. They’re thinking [...]

Five fundamentals for building a (truly) loyal customer base

By | September 18th, 2018|Customer Loyalty, Loyalty|

In his now famous TED Talk (more than 12 million YouTube views), best-selling author and adjunct staff member of the RAND Corporation, Simon Sinek discusses connecting with customers on a different level. A deeper level. A level where it’s about more than the product or even the brand, it’s about beliefs and philosophies—about why you do what [...]

Six trends for building customer loyalty in 2018

By | September 18th, 2018|Customer Loyalty, Loyalty|

Six trends for building customer loyalty in 2018:  Choreograph the user experience Data gets personal Social and environmental responsibility Tell your story Protect that data! Get chatty There are many tools designed to create customer satisfaction and engagement with the aim of building ongoing customer loyalty, from rewards programs to one-click ordering to personalized discounts. [...]

How Proactive Customer Service Improves Loyalty

By | May 31st, 2018|Uncategorized|

Long ago, in the days before outsourced call centers and sophisticated phone trees, customer service was about actually servicing customers, thinking about customer experience and trying to make it better whenever possible. Today it seems to have become more about troubleshooting errors and placating irate buyers. To the average person, customer service staff is there [...]

Building customer trust through credit education and ID protection

By | May 16th, 2018|Uncategorized|

The relationship that a company has with its customers can be good. It can even be great. But very often consumers are laboring under the impression that the companies they do business with don’t always have their best interests at heart. According to the 2018 Trust Barometer from Edelman marketing consultancy, almost half of Americans [...]

The Role of Credit Education in Driving Retail Growth

By | May 8th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Americans continue to struggle with credit and debt, and amidst that struggle lies an opportunity for retailers to educate consumers on developing better credit habits, and make them better customers. Consider these statistics that show Americans have much to do to improve their financial standing – and their credit scores: --- Total U.S. credit card [...]

They’re in Your Store. Show Them You Care and They’ll be Back

By | April 25th, 2018|Retail|

In the retail world, it’s common to focus on the transaction. After all, that’s where the money is changing hands. People come to your brick-and-mortar store, website, or mobile app, find something at a fair price, maybe browse a bit, pay and then they are gone. After their purchase, they may be back, or they [...]

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