Snapchat’s Phishing Attack: A Reminder That Security Starts with Employee Education

By | March 2nd, 2016|Business Security, Industry News, Malware and Scams|

Snapchat, the popular ephemeral messaging application, just announced a phishing attack that has compromised the identities of a number of its current and former employees. According to a blog post from the company, Snapchat’s payroll department was targeted by an isolated phishing scam, where a scammer impersonated the company’s chief executive officer and asked for [...]

Firewall Chats, Ep. 5: Scams, Malware, and Phishing Attempts

By | December 15th, 2015|Business Security, Firewall Chats|

Today airs the final episode in our pilot podcast series! To wind down the last few days of 2015, we sat down with Adam Dolby, Encap Security’s vice president of business development. Prior to joining Encap Security, Dolby was focused on banking, ATM networks, and card processing. His expertise lies within multi-factor authentication, security, and [...]

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